
build a home for your family, build a castle for your friends

the "fall" roll.  or the "autumn" roll, if you're feeling fancy.  third roll of the three i got developed today.

fall 2011

fall 2011

fall 2011

fall 2011

fall 2011

fall 2011

fall 2011

fall 2011

fall 2011

fall 2011
i love this

fall 2011

fall 2011
self portrait (sorta)

three times the fun

roll #2 from today.  the "fun fun fun fest" roll.

fun fun fun fest 2011

fun fun fun fest 2011

fun fun fun fest 2011

fun fun fun fest 2011

fun fun fun fest 2011

fun fun fun fest 2011

fun fun fun fest 2011

fun fun fun fest 2011

fun fun fun fest 2011


i shall keep you forever

i finally got several rolls of film developed.  these are my favorite shots from the "summer" roll.

summer 2011

summer 2011

summer 2011

summer 2011

summer 2011

summer 2011
look, i had a jumping-Amy picture before Meagan did!


i saw lightning

my friends Aubrey and John got married in the out-doors:


our house

we had a house-warming party.  here are some photographs which are, for the most part, unlike the events that occurred.  if you want to see some of what actually happened, you should click through to see more.







If you came, thanks.  If you didn't, I'm sorry.



red & yellow

I know it's been a while.  All summer I've been using my film camera and still haven't gotten any rolls developed.  my bad.  The good news is I GRADUATED COLLEGE.  Awesome, right?  So now that I have more time on my hands, (hopefully) I can get out and shoot more.  The following set of images are from a party my friend Ryan threw for two separate friends' birthdays.  I think it was also a sort of house-warming-type party for their new apartment.  Looks pretty sweet.  Anywho, here's a look at what happened:






creeping and laughing

more dancing

more creeping

...and much much more!  Be sure to click through any of the pictures to see more pictures which may or may not be action-attributable.


bing bang

Finally, photos from my Canon!  It's been too long.  These were from swing dancing last week.  I only edited one photo out of the entire batch, and that was to lighten it.  Could I do more?  Sure.  But...why?

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention IT'S SUMMERTIME?!

sving dahnce

sving dahnce

sving dahnce

sving dahnce

sving dahnce

sving dahnce